

gimp-airbrush Paint in the current brush with varying pressure.
Paint application is time-dependent.
gimp-airbrush-default Paint in the current brush with varying pressure.
Paint application is time-dependent.
gimp-brightness-contrast Modify brightness/contrast in the specified drawable.
gimp-brush-delete Deletes a brush
gimp-brush-duplicate Duplicates a brush
gimp-brush-get-angle Get the rotation angle of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-get-aspect-ratio Get the aspect ratio of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-get-hardness Get the hardness of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-get-info Retrieve information about the specified brush.
gimp-brush-get-pixels Retrieve information about the specified brush.
gimp-brush-get-radius Get the radius of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-get-shape Get the shape of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-get-spacing Get the brush spacing.
gimp-brush-get-spikes Get the number of spikes for a generated brush.
gimp-brush-is-editable Tests if brush can be edited
gimp-brush-is-generated ests if brush is generated
gimp-brush-new Creates a new brush
gimp-brush-rename Rename a brush
gimp-brush-set-angle Set the rotation angle of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-set-aspect-ratio Set the aspect ratio of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-set-hardness Set the hardness of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-set-radius Set the radius of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-set-shape Set the shape of a generated brush.
gimp-brush-set-spacing Set the brush spacing.
gimp-brush-set-spikes Set the number of spikes for a generated brush.
gimp-brushes-close-popup Close the brush selection dialog.
gimp-brushes-get-list Retrieve a complete listing of the available brushes.
gimp-brushes-popup Invokes the Gimp brush selection.
gimp-brushes-refresh Refresh current brushes. This function always succeeds.
gimp-brushes-set-popup Sets the current brush in a brush selection dialog.
gimp-buffer-delete Deletes a named buffer.
gimp-buffer-get-bytes Retrieves the specified buffer's bytes.
gimp-buffer-get-height Retrieves the specified buffer's height.
gimp-buffer-get-image-type Retrieves the specified buffer's image type.
gimp-buffer-get-width Retrieves the specified buffer's width.
gimp-buffer-rename Renames a named buffer.
gimp-buffers-get-list Retrieve a complete listing of the available buffers.
gimp-by-color-select Create a selection by selecting all pixels (in the specified drawable) with the same (or similar) color to that specified.
gimp-by-color-select-full Create a selection by selecting all pixels (in the specified drawable) with the same (or similar) color to that specified.
gimp-channel-combine-masks Combine two channel masks.
gimp-channel-copy Copy a channel.
gimp-channel-get-color Get the compositing color of the specified channel.
gimp-channel-get-opacity Get the opacity of the specified channel.
gimp-channel-get-show-masked Get the composite method of the specified channel.
gimp-channel-new Create a new channel.
gimp-channel-new-from-component Create a new channel from a color component
gimp-channel-set-color Set the compositing color of the specified channel.
gimp-channel-set-opacity Set the opacity of the specified channel.
gimp-channel-set-show-masked Set the composite method of the specified channel.
gimp-clone Clone from the source to the dest drawable using the current brush
gimp-clone-default Clone from the source to the dest drawable using the current brush
gimp-color-balance Modify the color balance of the specified drawable.
gimp-colorize Render the drawable as a grayscale image seen through a colored glass.
gimp-context-get-background Get the current GIMP background color.
gimp-context-get-brush Retrieve the currently active brush.
gimp-context-get-font Retrieve the currently active font.
gimp-context-get-foreground Get the current GIMP foreground color.
gimp-context-get-gradient Retrieve the currently active gradient.
gimp-context-get-opacity Get the opacity.
gimp-context-get-paint-method Retrieve the currently active paint method.
gimp-context-get-paint-mode Get the paint mode.
gimp-context-get-palette Retrieve the currently active palette.
gimp-context-get-pattern Retrieve the currently active pattern.
gimp-context-list-paint-methods Lists the available paint methods.
gimp-context-pop Pops the topmost context from the plug-in's context stack.
gimp-context-push Pushes a context to the top of the plug-in's context stack.
gimp-context-set-background Set the current GIMP background color.
gimp-context-set-brush et the specified brush as the active brush.
gimp-context-set-default-colors Set the current GIMP foreground and background colors to black and white.
gimp-context-set-font Set the specified font as the active font.
gimp-context-set-foreground Set the current GIMP foreground color.
gimp-context-set-gradient Sets the specified gradient as the active gradient.
gimp-context-set-opacity Set the opacity.
gimp-context-set-paint-method Set the specified paint method as the active paint method.
gimp-context-set-paint-mode Set the paint mode.
gimp-context-set-palette Set the specified palette as the active palette.
gimp-context-set-pattern Set the specified pattern as the active pattern.
gimp-context-swap-colors Swap the current GIMP foreground and background colors.
gimp-convolve Convolve (Blur, Sharpen) using the current brush.
gimp-convolve-default Convolve (Blur, Sharpen) using the current brush.
gimp-curves-explicit Modifies the intensity curve(s) for specified drawable.
gimp-curves-spline Modifies the intensity curve(s) for specified drawable.
gimp-desaturate Desaturate the contents of the specified drawable.
gimp-desaturate-full Desaturate the contents of the specified drawable, with the specified formula.
gimp-display-delete Delete the specified display.
gimp-display-get-window-handle Get a handle to the native window for an image display.
gimp-display-is-valid Returns TRUE if the display is valid.
gimp-display-new Create a new display for the specified image.
gimp-displays-flush Flush all internal changes to the user interface
gimp-displays-reconnect Reconnect displays from one image to another image.
gimp-dodgeburn Dodgeburn image with varying exposure.
gimp-dodgeburn-default Dodgeburn image with varying exposure. This is the same as the gimp_dodgeburn() function except that the exposure, type and mode are taken from the tools option dialog. If the dialog has not been activated then the defaults as used by the dialog will be used.
gimp-drawable-bpp Returns the bytes per pixel.
gimp-drawable-delete Delete a drawable.
gimp-drawable-fill Fill the drawable with the specified fill mode.
gimp-drawable-foreground-extract Extract the foreground of a drawable using a given trimap.
gimp-drawable-free-shadow Free the specified drawable's shadow data (if it exists).
gimp-drawable-get-image Returns the drawable's image.
gimp-drawable-get-linked Get the linked state of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-get-name Get the name of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-get-pixel Gets the value of the pixel at the specified coordinates.
gimp-drawable-get-tattoo Get the tattoo of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-get-visible Get the visibility of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-has-alpha Returns TRUE if the drawable has an alpha channel.
gimp-drawable-height Returns the height of the drawable.
gimp-drawable-is-channel Returns whether the drawable is a channel.
gimp-drawable-is-gray Returns whether the drawable is a grayscale type.
gimp-drawable-is-indexed Returns whether the drawable is an indexed type.
gimp-drawable-is-layer Returns whether the drawable is a layer.
gimp-drawable-is-layer-mask Returns whether the drawable is a layer mask.
gimp-drawable-is-rgb Returns whether the drawable is an RGB type.
gimp-drawable-is-text-layer Returns whether the drawable is a text layer.
gimp-drawable-is-valid Returns TRUE if the drawable is valid.
gimp-drawable-mask-bounds Find the bounding box of the current selection in relation to the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-mask-intersect Find the bounding box of the current selection in relation to the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-merge-shadow Merge the shadow buffer with the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-offset Offset the drawable by the specified amounts in the X and Y directions
gimp-drawable-offsets Returns the offsets for the drawable.
gimp-drawable-parasite-attach dd a parasite to a drawable.
gimp-drawable-parasite-detach Removes a parasite from a drawable.
gimp-drawable-parasite-find Look up a parasite in a drawable
gimp-drawable-parasite-list List all parasites.
gimp-drawable-set-linked Set the linked state of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-set-name Set the name of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-set-pixel Sets the value of the pixel at the specified coordinates.
gimp-drawable-set-tattoo Set the tattoo of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-set-visible Set the visibility of the specified drawable.
gimp-drawable-sub-thumbnail Get a thumbnail of a sub-area of a drawable drawable.
gimp-drawable-thumbnail Get a thumbnail of a drawable.
gimp-drawable-transform-2d Transform the specified drawable in 2d, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-2d-default Transform the specified drawable in 2d, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-flip Flip the specified drawable around a given line.
gimp-drawable-transform-flip-default Flip the specified drawable around a given line.
gimp-drawable-transform-flip-simple Flip the specified drawable either vertically or horizontally.
gimp-drawable-transform-matrix Transform the specified drawable in 2d, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-matrix-default Transform the specified drawable in 2d, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-perspective Perform a possibly non-affine transformation on the specified drawable, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-perspective-default Perform a possibly non-affine transformation on the specified drawable, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-rotate Rotate the specified drawable about given coordinates through the specified angle.
gimp-drawable-transform-rotate-default Rotate the specified drawable about given coordinates through the specified angle.
gimp-drawable-transform-rotate-simple Rotate the specified drawable about given coordinates through the specified angle.
gimp-drawable-transform-scale Scale the specified drawable with extra parameters
gimp-drawable-transform-scale-default Scale the specified drawable with extra parameters
gimp-drawable-transform-shear Shear the specified drawable about its center by the specified magnitude, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-transform-shear-default Shear the specified drawable about its center by the specified magnitude, with extra parameters.
gimp-drawable-type Returns the drawable's type.
gimp-drawable-type-with-alpha Returns the drawable's type with alpha.
gimp-drawable-update Update the specified region of the drawable.
gimp-drawable-width Returns the width of the drawable.
gimp-edit-blend Blend between the starting and ending coordinates with the specified blend mode and gradient type.
gimp-edit-bucket-fill Fill the area specified either by the current selection if there is one, or by a seed fill starting at the specified coordinates.
gimp-edit-bucket-fill-full Fill the area specified either by the current selection if there is one, or by a seed fill starting at the specified coordinates.
gimp-edit-clear Clear selected area of drawable.
gimp-edit-copy Copy from the specified drawable.
gimp-edit-copy-visible Copy from the projection.
gimp-edit-cut Cut from the specified drawable.
gimp-edit-fill Fill selected area of drawable.
gimp-edit-named-copy Copy into a named buffer.
gimp-edit-named-copy-visible Copy from the projection into a named buffer.
gimp-edit-named-cut Cut into a named buffer.
gimp-edit-named-paste Paste named buffer to the specified drawable.
gimp-edit-named-paste-as-new Paste named buffer to a new image.
gimp-edit-paste Paste buffer to the specified drawable.
gimp-edit-paste-as-new Paste buffer to a new image.
gimp-edit-stroke Stroke the current selection
gimp-edit-stroke-vectors Stroke the specified vectors object
gimp-ellipse-select Create an elliptical selection over the specified image.
gimp-equalize Equalize the contents of the specified drawable.
gimp-eraser Erase using the current brush.
gimp-eraser-default Erase using the current brush.
gimp-file-load Loads an image file by invoking the right load handler.
gimp-file-load-layer Loads an image file as a layer for an existing image.
gimp-file-load-layers Loads an image file as layers for an existing image.
gimp-file-load-thumbnail Loads the thumbnail for a file.
gimp-file-save Saves a file by extension.
gimp-file-save-thumbnail Saves a thumbnail for the given image
gimp-floating-sel-anchor Anchor the specified floating selection to its associated drawable.
gimp-floating-sel-attach Attach the specified layer as floating to the specified drawable.
gimp-floating-sel-relax Relax the floating selection.
gimp-floating-sel-remove Remove the specified floating selection from its associated drawable.
gimp-floating-sel-rigor Rigor the floating selection.
gimp-floating-sel-to-layer Transforms the specified floating selection into a layer.
gimp-fonts-close-popup Close the font selection dialog.
gimp-fonts-get-list Retrieve the list of loaded fonts.
gimp-fonts-popup Invokes the Gimp font selection.
gimp-fonts-refresh Refresh current fonts. This function always succeeds.
gimp-fonts-set-popup Sets the current font in a font selection dialog.
gimp-free-select Create a polygonal selection over the specified image.
gimp-fuzzy-select Create a fuzzy selection starting at the specified coordinates on the specified drawable.
gimp-fuzzy-select-full Create a fuzzy selection starting at the specified coordinates on the specified drawable.
gimp-get-color-configuration Get a serialized version of the color management configuration.
gimp-get-default-comment Get the default image comment as specified in the Preferences.
gimp-get-default-unit Get the default unit (taken from the user's locale).
gimp-get-module-load-inhibit Get the list of modules which should not be loaded.
gimp-get-monitor-resolution Get the monitor resolution as specified in the Preferences.
gimp-get-path-by-tattoo This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-image-get-vectors-by-tattoo' instead.
gimp-get-theme-dir Get the directory of the current GUI theme.
gimp-getpid Returns the PID of the host GIMP process.
gimp-gimprc-query Queries the gimprc file parser for information on a specified token.
gimp-gimprc-set ets a gimprc token to a value and saves it in the gimprc.
gimp-gradient-delete Deletes a gradient
gimp-gradient-duplicate Duplicates a gradient
gimp-gradient-get-custom-samples Sample the spacified gradient in custom positions.
gimp-gradient-get-number-of-segments Returns the number of segments of the specified gradient
gimp-gradient-get-uniform-samples Sample the specified in uniform parts.
gimp-gradient-is-editable Tests if gradient can be edited
gimp-gradient-new Creates a new gradient
gimp-gradient-rename Rename a gradient
gimp-gradient-segment-get-blending-function Retrieves the gradient segment's blending function
gimp-gradient-segment-get-coloring-type Retrieves the gradient segment's coloring type
gimp-gradient-segment-get-left-color Retrieves the left endpoint color of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-get-left-pos Retrieves the left endpoint position of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-get-middle-pos Retrieves the middle point position of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-get-right-color Retrieves the right endpoint color of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-get-right-pos Retrieves the right endpoint position of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-range-blend-colors Blend the colors of the segment range.
gimp-gradient-segment-range-blend-opacity Blend the opacity of the segment range.
gimp-gradient-segment-range-delete Delete the segment range
gimp-gradient-segment-range-flip Flip the segment range
gimp-gradient-segment-range-move Move the position of an entire segment range by a delta.
gimp-gradient-segment-range-redistribute-handles Uniformly redistribute the segment range's handles
gimp-gradient-segment-range-replicate Replicate the segment range
gimp-gradient-segment-range-set-blending-function Change the blending function of a segments range
gimp-gradient-segment-range-set-coloring-type Change the coloring type of a segments range
gimp-gradient-segment-range-split-midpoint Splits each segment in the segment range at midpoint
gimp-gradient-segment-range-split-uniform Splits each segment in the segment range uniformly
gimp-gradient-segment-set-left-color Sets the left endpoint color of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-set-left-pos Sets the left endpoint position of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-set-middle-pos Sets the middle point position of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-set-right-color Sets the right endpoint color of the specified segment
gimp-gradient-segment-set-right-pos Sets the right endpoint position of the specified segment
gimp-gradients-close-popup Close the gradient selection dialog.
gimp-gradients-get-active This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-context-get-gradient' instead.
gimp-gradients-get-list Retrieve the list of loaded gradients.
gimp-gradients-popup Invokes the Gimp gradients selection.
gimp-gradients-refresh Refresh current gradients. This function always succeeds.
gimp-gradients-set-popup Sets the current gradient in a gradient selection dialog.
gimp-heal Heal from the source to the dest drawable using the current brush
gimp-heal-default Heal from the source to the dest drawable using the current brush
gimp-help Load a help page.
gimp-histogram Returns information on the intensity histogram for the specified drawable.
gimp-hue-saturation Modify hue, lightness, and saturation in the specified drawable.
gimp-image-add-channel Add the specified channel to the image.
gimp-image-add-hguide Add a horizontal guide to an image.
gimp-image-add-layer Add the specified layer to the image.
gimp-image-add-vectors Add the specified vectors object to the image.
gimp-image-add-vguide Add a vertical guide to an image.
gimp-image-base-type Get the base type of the image.
gimp-image-clean-all Set the image dirty count to 0.
gimp-image-convert-grayscale Convert specified image to grayscale (256 intensity levels)
gimp-image-convert-indexed Convert specified image to and Indexed image
gimp-image-convert-rgb Convert specified image to RGB color
gimp-image-convert-set-dither-matrix Set dither matrix for conversion to indexed
gimp-image-crop Crop the image to the specified extents.
gimp-image-delete Delete the specified image.
gimp-image-delete-guide Deletes a guide from an image.
gimp-image-duplicate Duplicate the specified image
gimp-image-find-next-guide Find next guide on an image.
gimp-image-flatten Flatten all visible layers into a single layer. Discard all invisible layers.
gimp-image-flip Flips the image horizontally or vertically.
gimp-image-floating-sel-attached-to Return the drawable the floating selection is attached to.
gimp-image-floating-selection This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-image-get-floating-sel' instead.
gimp-image-free-shadow This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-free-shadow' instead.
gimp-image-get-active-channel Returns the specified image's active channel.
gimp-image-get-active-drawable Get the image's active drawable
gimp-image-get-active-layer Returns the specified image's active layer.
gimp-image-get-active-vectors Returns the specified image's active vectors.
gimp-image-get-channel-by-tattoo Find a channel with a given tattoo in an image.
gimp-image-get-channel-position Returns the position of the channel in the channel stack.
gimp-image-get-channels Returns the list of channels contained in the specified image.
gimp-image-get-cmap This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-image-get-colormap' instead.
gimp-image-get-colormap Returns the image's colormap
gimp-image-get-component-active Returns if the specified image's image component is active.
gimp-image-get-component-visible Returns if the specified image's image component is visible.
gimp-image-get-filename Returns the specified image's filename.
gimp-image-get-floating-sel Return the floating selection of the image.
gimp-image-get-guide-orientation Get orientation of a guide on an image.
gimp-image-get-guide-position Get position of a guide on an image.
gimp-image-get-layer-by-tattoo Find a layer with a given tattoo in an image.
gimp-image-get-layer-position Returns the position of the layer in the layer stack.
gimp-image-get-layers Returns the list of layers contained in the specified image.
gimp-image-get-name Returns the specified image's name.
gimp-image-get-resolution Returns the specified image's resolution.
gimp-image-get-selection Returns the specified image's selection.
gimp-image-get-tattoo-state Returns the tattoo state associated with the image.
gimp-image-get-unit Returns the specified image's unit.
gimp-image-get-vectors Returns the list of vectors contained in the specified image.
gimp-image-get-vectors-by-tattoo Find a vectors with a given tattoo in an image.
gimp-image-get-vectors-position Returns the position of the vectors object in the vectors objects stack.
gimp-image-grid-get-background-color Sets the background color of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-get-foreground-color Sets the foreground color of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-get-offset Gets the offset of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-get-spacing Gets the spacing of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-get-style Gets the style of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-set-background-color Gets the background color of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-set-foreground-color Gets the foreground color of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-set-offset Sets the offset of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-set-spacing Sets the spacing of an image's grid.
gimp-image-grid-set-style Sets the style unit of an image's grid.
gimp-image-height Return the height of the image
gimp-image-is-dirty Checks if the image has unsaved changes.
gimp-image-is-valid Returns TRUE if the image is valid.
gimp-image-list Returns the list of images currently open.
gimp-image-lower-channel Lower the specified channel in the image's channel stack
gimp-image-lower-layer Lower the specified layer in the image's layer stack
gimp-image-lower-layer-to-bottom Lower the specified layer in the image's layer stack to bottom of stack
gimp-image-lower-vectors Lower the specified vectors in the image's vectors stack
gimp-image-lower-vectors-to-bottom Lower the specified vectors in the image's vectors stack to bottom of stack
gimp-image-merge-down Merge the layer passed and the first visible layer below.
gimp-image-merge-visible-layers Merge the visible image layers into one.
gimp-image-new Creates a new image with the specified width, height, and type.
gimp-image-parasite-attach Add a parasite to an image.
gimp-image-parasite-detach Removes a parasite from an image.
gimp-image-parasite-find Look up a parasite in an image
gimp-image-parasite-list List all parasites.
gimp-image-pick-color Determine the color at the given drawable coordinates
gimp-image-pick-correlate-layer Find the layer visible at the specified coordinates.
gimp-image-raise-channel Raise the specified channel in the image's channel stack
gimp-image-raise-layer Raise the specified layer in the image's layer stack
gimp-image-raise-layer-to-top Raise the specified layer in the image's layer stack to top of stack
gimp-image-raise-vectors Raise the specified vectors in the image's vectors stack
gimp-image-raise-vectors-to-top Raise the specified vectors in the image's vectors stack to top of stack
gimp-image-remove-channel Remove the specified channel from the image.
gimp-image-remove-layer Remove the specified layer from the image.
gimp-image-remove-layer-mask This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-layer-remove-mask' instead.
gimp-image-remove-vectors Remove the specified path from the image.
gimp-image-resize Resize the image to the specified extents.
gimp-image-resize-to-layers Resize the image to fit all layers.
gimp-image-rotate Rotates the image by the specified degrees.
gimp-image-scale Scale the image using the default interpolation method.
gimp-image-scale-full Scale the image using a specific interpolation method.
gimp-image-set-active-channel Sets the specified image's active channel.
gimp-image-set-active-layer Sets the specified image's active layer.
gimp-image-set-active-vectors Sets the specified image's active vectors.
gimp-image-set-cmap This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-image-set-colormap' instead.
gimp-image-set-colormap Sets the entries in the image's colormap.
gimp-image-set-component-active Sets if the specified image's image component is active.
gimp-image-set-component-visible Sets if the specified image's image component is visible.
gimp-image-set-filename Sets the specified image's filename.
gimp-image-set-resolution Sets the specified image's resolution.
gimp-image-set-tattoo-state Set the tattoo state associated with the image.
gimp-image-set-unit Sets the specified image's unit.
gimp-image-thumbnail Get a thumbnail of an image.
gimp-image-undo-disable Disable the image's undo stack.
gimp-image-undo-enable Enable the image's undo stack.
gimp-image-undo-freeze Freeze the image's undo stack.
gimp-image-undo-group-end Finish a group undo.
gimp-image-undo-group-start Starts a group undo.
gimp-image-undo-is-enabled Check if the image's undo stack is enabled.
gimp-image-undo-thaw Thaw the image's undo stack.
gimp-image-unset-active-channel Unsets the active channel in the specified image.
gimp-image-width Return the width of the image
gimp-invert Invert the contents of the specified drawable.
gimp-layer-add-alpha Add an alpha channel to the layer if it doesn't already have one.
gimp-layer-add-mask Add a layer mask to the specified layer.
gimp-layer-copy Copy a layer.
gimp-layer-create-mask Create a layer mask for the specified specified layer.
gimp-layer-delete This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-delete' instead.
gimp-layer-flatten Remove the alpha channel from the layer if it has one.
gimp-layer-from-mask Get the specified mask's layer.
gimp-layer-get-apply-mask Get the apply mask setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-get-edit-mask Get the edit mask setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-get-linked This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-get-linked' instead.
gimp-layer-get-lock-alpha Get the lock alpha channel setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-get-mask Get the specified layer's mask if it exists.
gimp-layer-get-mode Get the combination mode of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-get-name This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-get-name' instead.
gimp-layer-get-opacity Get the opacity of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-get-preserve-trans This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-layer-get-lock-alpha' instead.
gimp-layer-get-show-mask Get the show mask setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-is-floating-sel Is the specified layer a floating selection?
gimp-layer-new Create a new layer.
gimp-layer-new-from-drawable Create a new layer by copying an existing drawable.
gimp-layer-new-from-visible Create a new layer from what is visible in an image.
gimp-layer-remove-mask Remove the specified layer mask from the layer.
gimp-layer-resize Resize the layer to the specified extents.
gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size Resize a layer to the image size.
gimp-layer-scale Scale the layer using the default interpolation method.
gimp-layer-scale-full Scale the layer using a specific interpolation method.
gimp-layer-set-apply-mask Set the apply mask setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-set-edit-mask Set the edit mask setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-set-linked This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-set-linked' instead.
gimp-layer-set-lock-alpha Set the lock alpha channel setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-set-mode Set the combination mode of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-set-offsets Set the layer offsets.
gimp-layer-set-opacity Set the opacity of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-set-show-mask Set the show mask setting of the specified layer.
gimp-layer-translate Translate the layer by the specified offsets.
gimp-levels Modifies intensity levels in the specified drawable.
gimp-levels-auto This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-levels-stretch' instead.
gimp-levels-stretch Automatically modifies intensity levels in the specified drawable.
gimp-message Displays a dialog box with a message.
gimp-message-get-handler Returns the current state of where warning messages are displayed.
gimp-message-set-handler Controls where warning messages are displayed.
gimp-paintbrush Paint in the current brush with optional fade out parameter and pull colors from a gradient.
gimp-paintbrush-default Paint in the current brush. The fade out parameter and pull colors from a gradient parameter are set from the paintbrush options dialog. If this dialog has not been activated then the dialog defaults will be used.
gimp-palette-add-entry Adds a palette entry to the specified palette.
gimp-palette-delete Deletes a palette
gimp-palette-delete-entry Deletes a palette entry from the specified palette.
gimp-palette-duplicate Duplicates a palette
gimp-palette-entry-get-color Gets the specified palette entry from the specified palette.
gimp-palette-entry-get-name Gets the specified palette entry from the specified palette.
gimp-palette-entry-set-color Sets the specified palette entry in the specified palette.
gimp-palette-entry-set-name Sets the specified palette entry in the specified palette.
gimp-palette-get-background This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-context-get-background' instead.
gimp-palette-get-colors Gets all colors from the specified palette.
gimp-palette-get-columns Retrieves the number of columns to use to display this palette
gimp-palette-get-foreground This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-context-get-foreground' instead.
gimp-palette-get-info Retrieve information about the specified palette.
gimp-palette-is-editable Tests if palette can be edited
gimp-palette-new Creates a new palette
gimp-palette-rename Rename a palette
gimp-palette-set-columns Sets the number of columns to use when displaying the palette
gimp-palettes-close-popup Close the palette selection dialog.
gimp-palettes-get-list Retrieves a list of all of the available palettes
gimp-palettes-popup Invokes the Gimp palette selection.
gimp-palettes-refresh Refreshes current palettes. This function always succeeds.
gimp-palettes-set-popup Sets the current palette in a palette selection dialog.
gimp-parasite-attach Add a global parasite.
gimp-parasite-detach Removes a global parasite.
gimp-parasite-find Look up a global parasite.
gimp-parasite-list List all parasites.
gimp-path-delete This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-image-remove-vectors' instead.
gimp-path-get-current This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-image-get-active-vectors' instead.
gimp-path-get-locked This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-vectors-get-linked' instead.
gimp-path-get-point-at-dist This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-vectors-stroke-get-point-at-dist' instead.
gimp-path-get-points This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points' instead.
gimp-path-get-tattoo This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-vectors-get-tattoo' instead.
gimp-path-import This procedure is deprecated! Use 'vectors-import-from-file' instead.
gimp-pattern-get-info Retrieve information about the specified pattern.
gimp-pattern-get-pixels Retrieve information about the specified pattern (including pixels).
gimp-patterns-close-popup Close the pattern selection dialog.
gimp-patterns-get-list Retrieve a complete listing of the available patterns.
gimp-patterns-popup Invokes the Gimp pattern selection.
gimp-patterns-refresh Refresh current patterns. This function always succeeds.
gimp-patterns-set-popup Sets the current pattern in a pattern selection dialog.
gimp-pencil Paint in the current brush without sub-pixel sampling.
gimp-plugin-domain-register Registers a textdomain for localisation.
gimp-plugin-get-pdb-error-handler Retrieves the active error handler for procedure calls.
gimp-plugin-help-register Register a help path for a plug-in.
gimp-plugin-icon-register Register an icon for a plug-in procedure.
gimp-plugin-menu-branch-register Register a sub-menu.
gimp-plugin-menu-register Register an additional menu path for a plug-in procedure.
gimp-plugin-set-pdb-error-handler Sets an error handler for procedure calls.
gimp-plugins-query Queries the plugin database for its contents.
gimp-posterize Posterize the specified drawable.
gimp-procedural-db-dump Dumps the current contents of the procedural database
gimp-procedural-db-get-data Returns data associated with the specified identifier.
gimp-procedural-db-get-data-size Returns size of data associated with the specified identifier.
gimp-procedural-db-proc-arg Queries the procedural database for information on the specified procedure's argument.
gimp-procedural-db-proc-exists Checks if the specified procedure exists in the procedural database
gimp-procedural-db-proc-info Queries the procedural database for information on the specified procedure.
gimp-procedural-db-proc-val Queries the procedural database for information on the specified procedure's return value.
gimp-procedural-db-query Queries the procedural database for its contents using regular expression matching.
gimp-procedural-db-set-data Associates the specified identifier with the supplied data.
gimp-procedural-db-temp-name Generates a unique temporary PDB name.
gimp-progress-cancel Cancels a running progress.
gimp-progress-end Ends the progress bar for the current plug-in.
gimp-progress-get-window-handle Returns the native window ID of the toplevel window this plug-in's progress is displayed in.
gimp-progress-init Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in.
gimp-progress-install Installs a progress callback for the current plug-in.
gimp-progress-pulse Pulses the progress bar for the current plug-in.
gimp-progress-set-text Changes the text in the progress bar for the current plug-in.
gimp-progress-uninstall Uninstalls the progress callback for the current plug-in.
gimp-progress-update Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in.
gimp-quit Causes GIMP to exit gracefully.
gimp-rect-select Create a rectangular selection over the specified image;
gimp-register-file-handler-mime Associates a MIME type with a file handler procedure.
gimp-register-load-handler Registers a file load handler procedure.
gimp-register-magic-load-handler Registers a file load handler procedure.
gimp-register-save-handler Registers a file save handler procedure.
gimp-register-thumbnail-loader Associates a thumbnail loader with a file load procedure.
gimp-rotate This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-transform-rotate-default' instead.
gimp-round-rect-select Create a rectangular selection with round corners over the specified image;
gimp-scale This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-transform-scale-default' instead.
gimp-selection-all Select all of the image.
gimp-selection-border Border the image's selection
gimp-selection-bounds Find the bounding box of the current selection.
gimp-selection-clear This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-selection-none' instead.
gimp-selection-combine Combines the specified channel with the selection mask.
gimp-selection-feather Feather the image's selection
gimp-selection-float Float the selection from the specified drawable with initial offsets as specified.
gimp-selection-grow Grow the image's selection
gimp-selection-invert Invert the selection mask.
gimp-selection-is-empty Determine whether the selection is empty.
gimp-selection-layer-alpha Transfer the specified layer's alpha channel to the selection mask.
gimp-selection-load Transfer the specified channel to the selection mask.
gimp-selection-none Deselect the entire image.
gimp-selection-save Copy the selection mask to a new channel.
gimp-selection-sharpen Sharpen the selection mask.
gimp-selection-shrink Shrink the image's selection
gimp-selection-translate Translate the selection by the specified offsets.
gimp-selection-value Find the value of the selection at the specified coordinates.
gimp-shear This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-transform-shear-default' instead.
gimp-smudge Smudge image with varying pressure.
gimp-smudge-default Smudge image with varying pressure.
gimp-temp-name Generates a unique filename.
gimp-text This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-text-fontname' instead.
gimp-text-fontname Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
gimp-text-get-extents This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-text-get-extents-fontname' instead.
gimp-text-get-extents-fontname Get extents of the bounding box for the specified text.
gimp-text-layer-get-antialias Check if antialiasing is used in the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-base-direction Get the base direction used for rendering the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-color Get the color of the text in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-font Get the font from a text layer as string.
gimp-text-layer-get-font-size Get the font size from a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-hinting Get information about hinting in the specified text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-indent Get the line indentation of text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-justification Get the text justification information of the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-kerning Check if kerning is used in the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-language Get the language used in the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-letter-spacing Get the letter spacing used in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-get-line-spacing Get the spacing between lines of text.
gimp-text-layer-get-text Get the text from a text layer as string.
gimp-text-layer-new Creates a new text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-antialias Enable/disable anti-aliasing in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-base-direction Set the base direction in the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-color Set the color of the text in the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-font Set the font of a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-font-size Set the font size.
gimp-text-layer-set-hinting Enable/disable the use of hinting in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-indent Set the indentation of the first line in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-justification Set the justification of the text in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-kerning Enable/disable kerning in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-language Set the language of the text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-letter-spacing Adjust the letter spacing in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-line-spacing Adjust the line spacing in a text layer.
gimp-text-layer-set-text Set the text of a text layer.
gimp-threshold Threshold the specified drawable.
gimp-unit-get-abbreviation Returns the abbreviation of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-deletion-flag Returns the deletion flag of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-digits Returns the number of digits of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-factor Returns the factor of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-identifier Returns the textual identifier of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-number-of-built-in-units Returns the number of built-in units.
gimp-unit-get-number-of-units Returns the number of units.
gimp-unit-get-plural Returns the plural form of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-singular Returns the singular form of the unit.
gimp-unit-get-symbol Returns the symbol of the unit.
gimp-unit-new Creates a new unit and returns it's integer ID.
gimp-unit-set-deletion-flag Sets the deletion flag of a unit.
gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-conicto Extends a bezier stroke with a conic bezier spline.
gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-cubicto Extends a bezier stroke with a cubic bezier spline.
gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto Extends a bezier stroke with a lineto.
gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-new-ellipse Adds a bezier stroke describing an ellipse the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-new-moveto Adds a bezier stroke with a single moveto to the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-copy Copy a vectors object.
gimp-vectors-export-to-file save a path as an SVG file.
gimp-vectors-export-to-string Save a path as an SVG string.
gimp-vectors-get-image Returns the vectors objects image.
gimp-vectors-get-linked Gets the linked state of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-get-name Gets the name of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-get-strokes List the strokes associated with the passed path.
gimp-vectors-get-tattoo Get the tattoo of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-get-visible Gets the visibility of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-import-from-file mport paths from an SVG file.
gimp-vectors-import-from-string Import paths from an SVG string.
gimp-vectors-is-valid Returns TRUE if the vectors object is valid.
gimp-vectors-new Creates a new empty vectors object.
gimp-vectors-new-from-text-layer Creates a new vectors object from a text layer.
gimp-vectors-parasite-attach Add a parasite to a vectors object
gimp-vectors-parasite-detach Removes a parasite from a vectors object
gimp-vectors-parasite-find Look up a parasite in a vectors object
gimp-vectors-parasite-list List all parasites.
gimp-vectors-remove-stroke remove the stroke from a vectors object.
gimp-vectors-set-linked Sets the linked state of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-set-name Sets the name of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-set-tattoo Set the tattoo of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-set-visible Sets the visibility of the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-stroke-close closes the specified stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-flip flips the given stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-flip-free flips the given stroke about an arbitrary axis.
gimp-vectors-stroke-get-length Measure the length of the given stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-get-point-at-dist Get point at a specified distance along the stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points returns the control points of a stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-interpolate returns polygonal approximation of the stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-new-from-points Adds a stroke of a given type to the vectors object.
gimp-vectors-stroke-rotate rotates the given stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-scale scales the given stroke.
gimp-vectors-stroke-translate translate the given stroke.
gimp-vectors-to-selection Transforms the specified vectors object into a selection
gimp-version Returns the host GIMP version.
gimp-xcf-load Loads file saved in the .xcf file format
gimp-xcf-save Saves file in the .xcf file format
